About US

Organizer: Pandit Ashok Babu
Gaya Dham is one of the most holiest and sacred place in India. According to Veda, Saastra and holy books Gaya Dham is important piligrim and place of salvation, Since ancient lime our ancestors providing a holy service of "Pind Daan Pujara to South Indians. We are also providing a proper place to south Indians to stay, important arrangements for Pind Daan, puja and marry more in Gaya Dharm Gaya Dham has three important places for Pind daan and worship for alone:
1. Shri Vishnupadam
2. Akshayvatam (Marichetu)
3.Falgu River
Our ancestors were ser ved many holy duties here. Late. hungar Balaji kater on by fis son Ihungar Mukund Lal Ji and in present Ashok Babuji and family are doing these holy duties We pray for all pilgrimages who come here to worship for salvation of their ancestors soul that they may success in their holy work and Lord Naranyana and ford Lakshmi biess then with happy and prosperous life to the devotee

A Brief About Gaya.......

Gaya have mention in the great epics like Ramayania and Mahabharata. According to Ramayana Rama along with Sito and Lakshmana visited Gaya for offering PINO-DAAN to their father Dasharatha. In Mahabharata, the place has been identified as Gayapuri. About the origin of the name 'Gaya' as referred to in Vayu Purana is that Gaya was the name of a demon (Asura) whose body was pious after he performed rigid penance and secured blessings from Vishnu. It was said that the Gayasura's body would continue to be known as Gaya Kshetra.
Falgu River:The Pind Lian in Gaya starts from Falgu River. It has an interesting story that when Lord Ram came to Gaya with Sita for Pind Llaan, Sita cursed Falgu River due to disobedience on its part and due to the curse Falgu River lost its water and was replaced by vast stretch of sand dunes. However, water can found all round the year by digging in its dry sandy riverbed and thus is also called "Antah Saliya"
Vishnu Paad Temple: Vishnu Paad Temple has foot prints of Lord Vishnu as Lord Vishnu killed the demon Gayasura here.
Mangla Gauri: Mangla Gauri shrine is has two rounded stones thal symbolize breasts of mythological Sali (first wife of Lord Shiva). An old and sacred temple, it is located in Chand Chaura area of Gaya town and is visited by hundreds of devotees
Akshay Bat: This is the last important place where pinda dan is done. It has been given a boon by Sita that it cannot die or be destroyed. As per Ved Puran, Lord Krishna will stay under its shadow when whole world drowns in water. Those who do their Pind Daan here, their ancestors go straight to Dev Lok
Preth Shila Hill: around B-kres from Gaya and means hill of ghusis. With the place being sacred to Yama, I lindu god of hell the place is one of sacred places of pilgrimage. All Visitors can also see a small temple on top of hill dedicated to Yama. At the foothill are three tanks called Sati, Nigra and Sukha with fourth tank 'Ramkund present on summit near temple of Yama where it is said that Lord Ram took bath. It is believed that whoever takes bath in this tank and does shradha and Pind Daan here is ridden from his all sins.
Ramshila Hill: The hill is situated on north of Gaya town and is around/15-10 high. On the lop there is old Lemple called Rameshwara or Mahadev Temple where there is a pavilion where Pindas can be offered.
Brahmayoni Hill: It's the highest hill in Gaya and contains small temple at top of Lord Brahma. There is small natural fissure in nocks at the hill top through which one person can just manage to crawl. It is believed that whoever does the crawling is saved from the process of rebirth.


Andhra Telangana Ashramm (Bala Jee Bhawan) Vishnu Pad Road, Near Punjab National Bank Chand Choura, Gaya. Bihar-823001


+91 9835068493

+91 9934421512